Strategic Insights: From Ideology to Geopolitics: Russian Interests in Latin America

March 24, 2015 | Dr. Jose de Arimateia da Cruz The implosion of the Soviet Union on the eve of December 25, 1991, has been heralded by pundits and Sovietologists as an unprecedented event in world history. No one expected the powerful Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) to come to an end as uneventfully…

Vladimir Putin’s long—and very dangerous—game

Leon Aron | American Enterprise Institute May 01, 2014 Reuters Key points in this Outlook: Vladimir Putin is exploiting the Ukrainian revolution—specifically, by manufacturing “crises” in Crimea and eastern Ukraine and nationalist euphoria and anti-Western paranoia at home—to fashion a more repressive and increasingly unpredictable Russian dictatorship for life. With the Russian economy heading for…